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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Courtyard Cafe

Cinnamon Roll
Courtyard Cafe

A family-run restaurant in a old house just off the waterfront, Port Townsend's Courtyard Cafe radiates at least a dozen kinds of warmth.  Although no one actually lives in the canary-yellow building, it has a lived-in hospitality that makes customers feel thoroughly welcome, with comfortably worn furniture, mismatched china, hand-me-down newspapers, and local musicians jamming in the living room.  When the couple behind the counter flirtatiously pelt each other with croutons, it's easy to imagine that you're just a friend of the family, dropping by for brunch.  

The sweet treats include hearty pastries, rustic fruit pies, meal-sized desserts, and hot chocolate with homemade marshmallows toasted tableside with a creme br�l�e torch.  Owner Will makes the cinnamon rolls himself and takes great pride in the rapidity with which he goes through sacks of cinnamon; the spice is used so generously that it forms a distinct layer, side by side with the buttery pastry.  

The day-old baked goods are a steal at around $2 for a huge bag; Will's wife Heidi says the cinnamon loaf makes fantastic French toast.  Closed on Tuesdays, the Courtyard Cafe donates Monday-night leftovers to the Port Townsend Food Bank, another sign of this small business' big heart.  

230 Quincy Street
Port Townsend, WA

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